Earlier this month, HARVIS has been presented during the 1st Roundtable of the H2020 project OPTICS2. The roundtable aimed at answering the question: How would you invest European research funding for Human Factors in aviation safety? Hi-level managers, representatives of research centres, ANSPs, airlines, airports, and pilots associations participated.
In this context, HARVIS exemplified a current hot topic in aviation: the introduction of Artificial Intelligence in the cockpit. Overall, the project generated high interest and triggered a fruitful discussion. Participants debated around what AI can do in the next future to support pilots, especially in critical or high workload conditions.
Thus, the presentation allowed Harvis to reach an audience of various aviation practicioners.
1st OPTICS2 roundtable consultation: HUMAN and ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS
The EU invests millions in aviation safety research every year. Nevertheless, there is a relatively low take-up for specific Human and Organizational research-outputs by industry. In order to investigate the reasons why, OPTICS2 organised a roundtable consultation with a select group of industry experts in Operational Safety and Human Factors.
They gathered to engage in a focused group discussion on different aviation hot topics. For example, with the advent of digitalization, robotics, and artificial intelligence, the human role is going to change. How do we prepare for such change, ensuring system safety and performance? Which research areas need more research? If you had 100 million euros to spend on research in this area, how would you spend it?
Visit the OPTICS2 website to know more about this and other activities.
OPTICS2 is the follow-up of the OPTICS Project. Its mission is to assess if the European Research is on the right track towards Flightpath 2050, the vision for aviation safety and security provided by the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE). It uses the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), the roadmap towards the vision, as a basis for their assessment activities.